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Type: Masterplan, Residential, Commercial

Architect: Y/N Architects

Sizes:  36000m2

Client: Hull City Council

Status: Competition


Living with water


In the past water has defined the urban fabric of Hull. Shipping, be it for trade, transport of manufactured goods or fishing, demanded the construction of a series of Docks built in the 18th and 19th centuries. The majority of these now decommissioned, either infilled to provide development space or repurposed, they still form an important part of Hull’s history and define the physical character of the City. Major flooding in the town centre in 2013 prompted expedited plans to install flood defences around the Albert Dock area. 


Water was once seen as an essential asset bringing many benefits to the people living and working along the Humber whereas now, with the challenges brought by climate change, we risk water being viewed as a problem. The development of Hull is an exciting opportunity to allow water to once again define its urban fabric creating enriching streets and neighbourhoods which embrace water and manage flood risk by dealing with the causes of flooding close to source using innovative and robust design to create beautiful spaces. Introducing sustainable urban drainage solutions eases pressures on existing water courses from new and existing development while rethinking tidal flood defences can introduce new green spaces rich in flora and fauna providing new play space and educational benefits. 


The proposals illustrated as part of this submission look to celebrate water throughout the scheme and introduce biodiverse, playful and educational, green space from rooftop to streetscape and even to the tidal edges of the Humber Estuary. 


Where the City meets the estuary, the edge is often hard, a result of the city’s industrious heritage. Estuary landscapes are typically highly biodiverse however hard sheet pile edges often suppress foraging activity and habitat for wildlife. Proposals within this submission look to soften the edge of Humber Quays by introducing a new floating nature reserve using an innovative yet simple design solution which create green islands that not only provide essential habitat for birds and flying insects but also collect stray litter from the water and help introduce wildlife to the city. 


New streets improving the pedestrian and cycle network offer an opportunity to extend the principles established in the nature reserve and implement Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) throughout. Surface profiles and materials will be designed to slow down the rate of surface water run-off from hard areas and new buildings across both schemes. Water can be directed to sunken, connected rain gardens which provide a degree of attenuation at source, infiltration through the soil and evapotranspiration via planting. Connected rain gardens will provide low level greening and opportunities for tree planting throughout the neighbourhood. Informal play can also encouraged via bridge sections, and natural boulder routes through planted areas. 


Considerate management of pedestrians, vehicles and cycles will form the basic layout of new streets. Careful arrangement of street furniture allows people to wait and meet others near entrances. Offset SUDS planting areas within the main routes create intimate pocket spaces set away from the pedestrian flow. Routes less suited to loitering, heavier footfall or movement of cyclists can be more narrow and greener with limited seating opportunities. Green or textured paving discourages speeding cycles while providing an attractive, extension to rain gardens and other landscape features. 



Private Landscape


The theme of living with water extends from the Humber through the public streets into private spaces both at ground level and up on podium decks and roof spaces. 


Communal gardens at ground level and raised above the street will provide new residents of Hull with relaxing, green, social and recreational outdoor space set within a dense urban environment. As such gardens need to work hard to provide a range of spaces fit for a variety of activities residents may wish to undertake throughout the day. A rich and diverse planting palette will help to create  healthy, natural and lush gardens intimate in scale and sheltered from overlooking windows and strong winds.   


Vibrant and exciting naturalistic play spaces that encourage creativity and social cooperation will provide integrated naturalistic play elements alongside water as part of the wider water management strategy. Play spaces will be designed such that nearby private space is respected and spaces for all age groups are provided without one dominating the garden. This can be achieved through careful arrangement of space within a layered landscape which uses attractive structural buffer planting to provide essential spatial definition. 


Ecological interventions such as bird boxes, bug hotels and water bodies will help introduce wildlife to the gardens and improve the wider ecological network across Hull by extended flight paths for birds, insects and bats. Installing some of these features within or near play space also improves the educational value of the gardens for children and improves richness for all ages. 

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